Shine Mwanza 2022

June 26, 2022 - July 3, 2022

Shine will be in Mwanza, Tanzania this summer!

We are excited that God has opened the door for Shine to be in Mwanza this summer! We will be taking a team of 30 people with us to the country of Tanzania to reach the people there with the love and message of Jesus Christ.

The team will be actively engaged in outreaches to the city throughout the week in partnership with many local churches. This week will culminate with a weekend crusade where Dr. Sammy Wanyonyi will share a message of hope with the people of Mwanza.

We believe that God is preparing the city of Mwanza for revival, and we are excited to play a part in what God is doing in this city!


Support the team going to Mwanza!

The work we will do in Mwanza relies on the financial support of the team’s friends and family. Here are the ways to financially support a team member going on this trip:

  1. Give online via the donation box to the right.

    • Make sure you check “Write us a comment” and write the name of the person you are supporting so we know who to apply the donation to.

  2. Give via check to Shine in the World Ministries.

    • Send the check with a note on who the donation is for. DO NOT write the person’s name in the “memo” line.

    • Mail checks in to the following address:

      Shine in the World Ministries

      7520 Golden Valley Rd

      Golden Valley, MN 55427

Shine in the World Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible and non-refundable according to IRS regulations. Our Board of Directors reserves the right to direct funds to the area most needed within the ministry.